Alexandra Arts

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HOLY CREATRIXXX - A Go! Push Pop Project in Alexandra Park


Go! Push Pops, a NYC based radical, queer transnational feminist collective is calling all women interested in celebrating together the power of the Goddess-Creatrixx aligned with the legacy of iconic feminist suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst. For this project, participants will become part of an intentional community (collective, circle, coven) for the period of two weeks leading up to a final live ritual performance. The female as Creatrixxx is primary. The Goddess is our informing power, a psychic reality giving shape to the here and now.

Women have been circling up since the beginning of time. The circle is the declaration of sacred ground and a container of energy raised. Drawing together in a circle formation, we call on the Goddess as a channel of power. Through incantation, movement mantra and the transformative power of free play we honor the fierce fighter spirit of the Pankhurst lineage that has been culturally erased from the territory in which she was born and raised. Sometimes called “raising a cone of power” or “drawing down the moon,” in the center of our circle lies the crystallization of our combined energies. It is through taking on the archetypal power of the Goddess that we root into the earth, expanding our egos until they stand beside the Goddess-Creatrixxx.

Magical rituals are psychodramas, and things may get wild. In addition to collectively agreed upon movement mantras, vocalizations and gestures of power in the vein of the Pankhurst lineage combined with a glittering bricolage of transcultural spiritual traditions, our final ritual will include freestyle interludes. In the nebulous space of free-form movement ignites the pyrotechnics of pure energy. Go! Push Pops typically draw upon the energies of the intercultural Maiden Goddesses of beauty, creativity and desire. Arretos Koura, an ancient Greek phrase for the ineffable Bride, the Nameless Maiden, is one who spins a cosmic dance from which all things come into existence. Arretos Koura is the original artist, the “transcendent unique” the creatrixxx of all uniqueness.

Dress code: neon, bright colors, flowers, pastel, camp, rainbow warrior, feminine, Victorian, punk, riot grrrl, spring, maidens, faeries, suffragette colors (purple, white, green) **A limited number of Go! Push Pop costumes provided, make your own, embellish, mix + match!! Have fun experiment, trust your inner creatrixxx

Anybody interested in taking part please e-mail:


2 general coven meetings during the last two weeks of November dates TBD

Location: Go! Push Pops Studio in Alexandra Park

Final Ritual //// Friday November 28th 7-10pm

Event in Alexandra Park Pavilion