Bibi Flores
is exhibiting work titled No Assholes Allowed In Here, The Missing "H" for Healing from Those, H And I, For The Sake Of Healing, Speak and Express Your Truth, and Women Real Inner Power (2018) at the Pankhurst in the Park 2018 art salon @ Mothership NYC on the 11th September 7-30 pm to midnight, for more event info go here
Through my paintings, photographs, and installations, combined with other mixed media elements, I represent in a physical space the states of mind, heart, and soul that exist on a plane of multi-dimensional energy. These are transformed and encoded with geometry, shapes, symbols, lines, and colors by humanly imperfect, harmonic, and synchronized brush strokes. The details of these elements capture and illustrate my interests and thoughts as a woman, a person and an artist. The essence of the works embodies and reveals a portrait of my present, together with thoughts and feelings, as a force in reaction to experiences from my past. Phrases and titles indicate and link the meanings of each work which, as an entire collection, interconnect with one another. This imagery represents my emotional back-story and how it mirrors some limits and paradigms in society.
My most recent work, Goodbye to assholes, I deserve much better, is a collection I began developing in 2010. This body of work directly focuses on my feminist point of view regarding the enjoyment of one’s unique personality and expression. At the same time, it critiques a shallow and judgmental society where women in particular still exist within a submissive structure and are the subject of violence, suppressed feelings, and oppression. The topics addressed in this art record my process of identifying and developing healthy boundaries, and moving on from selfish, egocentric persons or “assholes” (Spanish = cabrones) from my personal life. In some cases, pieces represent a type of a mantra, amulet or protective shield from assholes. The work is intended to celebrate one’s unique personality, promote self-respect, freedom, heal, and grow into your higher-self, hopefully helping others around the world -- especially the victims and survivors of abuse.
Here I deliberately chose to use the word asshole (which has historically been classified as a bad and often censored word) because it is both provocative and persuasive. In this context it is a powerful way to confront oppression, conquer fears, and establish healthy boundaries. The word is especially powerful when used by women because it is not seen as like a traditionally “ladylike” word. People attach different meanings to the word, depending on their individual perspective. This word, even with its many shades of meaning, and as a part of this collection, acts as an intense mind filter that helps to alert, mark, define, and set up a now recognized boundary against ego-centric personalities, allowing forward movement toward a state of happiness.
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Bibi Flores exhibited the artwork Goodbye to assholes, I deserve much better at the EMINENT DOMAIN exhibition at the former Robert Miller Gallery in West Chelsea between 12-14 July, 2018. This was a collaboration between Art 511 Magazine and Alexandra Arts, read the recap article here